“The Art of Drawing the Sword” Iaido consists of four main components: the smooth, controlled movements of drawing the sword from the scabbard (or saya), cutting an opponent, shaking the blood from the blade, and replacing the sword to it’s saya. Beginner practitioners of iaido start learning with a wooden sword (bokken). Apparel may be anything loose and comfortable at the beginning stages, while many students prefer to start off with the formal uniform (hakama), as seen in the photo.
Michael Polito teaches Iaido under the auspices of Noboru Kataoka Sensei of the NYC Kendo Club. Kataoka Sensei is the 20th generation Menkyo-Kaiden (successor) of the Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido.
The style of Iaido is Muso Jikiden Enshin-ryu dating back to the 16th century, and still being taught till this day.
Iaido is offered twice per week.